Home IT Hardware Assets Amazing Discount on Tablets in the Chuwi 12th Anniversary…

Amazing Discount on Tablets in the Chuwi 12th Anniversary…


Chuwi’s 12th anniversary celebration has been on since September 12 but it is coming to an end on September 25. From now until the promo ends, Chuwi is giving out its tablets at ridiculously cheap prices. If you need a tablet but you’re low on cash, why not head to Chuwi’s official web-page and grab one at a price which wouldn’t put a hole in your pocket. You’ll need to hurry up on this one because this kind of offer doesn’t come everyday, moreover it’ll be till next year before the tablet-maker will offer a promo of this sort.

Here’s a run down of all the tablets on offer at great discounts,

Chuwi Hi12 12.0 inch 2-in-1 tablet with stylus: Only $239.99
Product Highlights:
1. 12.0 inch 2160*1440 2K display, 3:2 aspect ratio.
2. Windows 10 Home and Android 5.1 operating system.
3. Have the removable magnetic docking keyboard and Chuwi HiPen H1 stylus (sold separately).

Chuwi Hi10 Plus 10.8″ Window 10 /Remix OS tablet: Only $199.99
Product Highlights:
1. 10.8 inch 1920 x 1280 3:2 aspect ratio, 450 nits screen brightness.
2. 4GB RAM/64GB ROM, Windows 10/Remix OS 2.0 dual OS.
3. 8400mAh Li-polymer battery, 2MP/2MP dual cameras, USB 3.0 Type-C port and support 5V/3A quick charging.

Chuwi HI10 Pro

Chuwi HiBook Pro 10.1″ 2560×1600 OGS screen tablet: Only $199.99
Product Highlights:
1. 10.1 inch 2560 x 1600 2K screen resolution, 16:10 aspect ratio and 298 PPI.
2. OGS fully laminated display. (Colors are richer, contrast is greater, and images are sharper and more vivid)
3. 8000 mAh polymer lithium battery and 5V/3A quick charger.
4. USB Type-C port, 2MP/5MP camera and 4GB DDR3L RAM/64GB eMMC ROM.
5. Windows 10 and Android 5.1 dual operating system.

Chuwi HIBook Pro

Chuwi Vi10 Plus 10.8″ Remix OS tablet with stylus: Only $149.99

Chuwi Hi10 Pro 10.1″ Window 10 /Remix OS 4+64GB tablet: Only $179.99
Product Highlights:
1. 10.1 inch 1920 x 1200 16:10 aspect ratio screen.
2. Windows 10/Remix OS 2.0 dual OS. (Remix OS 2.0 is based on Android 5.1)

Chuwi Hi8 8.0″ Window 10 /Android 4.4 tablet : Only $89.99

Chuwi HI10 Plus

On top of all these cheap prices, there’s a daily give-aways. Chuwi has said that 18 lucky customers who purchase the tablet from e-commerce platforms like GearBest, Banggood, Geekbuying and Chuwi Aliexpress store would get full refunds on their order. That is 18 lucky persons would get one tablet of choice FREE without paying a dime, two persons each day!

As if that isn’t generous enough, Chuwi would be handing out a number of Social media give-aways which would see fans on Facebook, Twitter and Chuwi forum joint the bandwagon with lots of giveaway and cash prices to win. Three fans on Facebook will get the opportunity of owning three units of the new 10.8 inch Hi10 Plus tablet. You can learn more about this on Chuwi’s Facebook page.

There are also two units of the 10.1 inch HiBook Pro to be won for users of teh Chuwi forum. Even if you are not registered on the forum you can still get into the groove by registering to join the forum and then you post a comment about the features or functions of the tablet model that catches your fancy the most. Here’s the link to the Chuwi Forum.

TAking a snapshot of yourself with the Chuwi tablet could earn you a cool $50 on Twitter. You can join this competition by sharing the photo on Twitter and then tagging Chuwi official. Five lucky winners will be selected based on the quality of their photo and the five winners will each get their $50 via PayPal. Are you heading to Twitter already? While you’re at it, here is Chuwi’s official Twitter handle.

You can also check out the Chuwi 12th Anniversary Promo page for more info.

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