Screen capture of YouTube video showing “mysterious” pink object spotted by an International Space Station camera. (credit: YouTube )
Spend any time around NASA public affairs specialists, as I do, and you’ll eventually get the eye roll. It comes when someone inquires about aliens or faked moon landings or all manner of other nonsense. One of the more recent eye-rollers originated in Russia, where officials said sea plankton was growing on the exterior of the International Space Station. (It wasn’t.)
“If you think that’s bad, you should Google ‘NASA hiding,'” one space agency official told me. So I did—and here are the first five things I found.
1. Aliens in space!
The first search result is a Gawker story from August, which links to a YouTube video of space station footage showing a “pink spot” near the orbiting laboratory. The Gawker author had some fun with the story, but plenty of other Web sites treated the object as mysterious, possibly of extra-terrestrial origin.
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