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AI to bring opportunities, challenges for Taiwan semiconductor industry
Julian Ho, Hsinchu; Willis Ke, DIGITIMES [Thursday 16 November 2017]

Artificial intelligence (AI) will bring huge business opportunities and challenges for Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, and the industry will face fierce competition from China, where both the central and local governments are fully gearing up for developing semiconductor technologies, according to CC Wei, co-CEO of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC).

Wei made the remarks when speaking at the annual conference of Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association (TSIA), held November 15, in his capacity as chairman of the association.

Wei said many countries have injected substantial resources into the development of AI application industries, and AI will gradually penetrate all domains of human life, enabling people to lead healthier, safer and more convenient lives. This will constitute tremendous business opportunities for the semiconductor industry, because all the AI technologies and applications cannot do without the support of semiconductors.

He continued that China is the largest semiconductor market in the world, absorbing one third of the global market demand, prompting the central and local governments to inject huge resources to help China’s semiconductor players with fast development of various semiconductor products and technologies. This will pose a huge challenge to Taiwan players, Wei added.

Wei pledged that TSIA will continue to negotiate with the Taiwan government, asking it to roll out better, feasible policies on land acquisition, power and water supply, and talent cultivation and retention.

CC Wei, TSIA chairman and TSMC co-CEO  Photo: Michael Lee, Digitimes, November 2017

CC Wei, TSIA chairman and TSMC co-CEO.
Photo: Michael Lee, Digitimes, November 2017


Categories: Bits + chips IC design, distribution IC manufacturing IT + CE Software, big data

Tags: AI artificial intelligence semiconductor Taiwan Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association TSIA TSMC

Topics: Taiwan AI development

Companies: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company

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