Home General Various News Aggressive Design Led To The Galaxy Note 7 Explosions

Aggressive Design Led To The Galaxy Note 7 Explosions


As we are waiting for the official results from Samsung, a hardware company called Instrumental has conducted its own investigation about the Galaxy Note 7 explosion. Based on its investigation, the main culprit behind multiple explosions is the aggressive phone design.

According to the firm, the phone design compressed the Note 7 battery even during normal operations. Samsung apparently knew the “super aggressive” design was risky, but went with it anyway as it was afraid of being beaten by Apple.

“Looking at the design, Samsung engineers were clearly trying to balance the risk of a super-aggressive manufacturing process to maximize capacity, while attempting to protect it internally.

A smaller battery using standard manufacturing parameters would have solved the explosion issue and the swell issue. But, a smaller battery would have reduced the system’s battery life below the level of its predecessor, the Note 5, as well as its biggest competitor, the iPhone 7 Plus. Either way, it’s now clear to us that there was no competitive salvageable design,” said Instrumental.

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