(credit: Doctor Popular)
The University of California, Davis has spent at least $ 175,000 to hire companies that would try to “expedite the eradication of references to the pepper spray incident in search results” and to counter “venomous rhetoric about UC Davis and the chancellor,” according to new documents obtained by the Sacramento Bee.
The pepper spray incident occurred at the Sacramento, California-area university on November 18, 2011, during a demonstration that was part of the broader “Occupy movement.” After asking seated protesters to leave, UC Davis police officer Lt. John Pike pepper sprayed several of them at close range. Video of his actions were widely distributed and ridiculed.
In October 2013, a judge awarded Pike more than $ 38,000 in worker’s compensation benefits from UC Davis itself to compensate for his apparent psychological pain and suffering stemming from the incident. Pike was fired from the university police force.
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