Home Objective News Today 13 Presidential Debate Moments the Internet Loved

13 Presidential Debate Moments the Internet Loved


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton faced off Monday night for the first presidential debate — and much like the 2016 election, it was not normal.

Here are all the moments that made the Internet perk up during the 90-minute debate:

1. Clinton coining a new term in reference to Trump’s economic policies: “Trumped-up trickle-down,” a riff on “trickle-down economics.”

2. Trump clarifying that he does not intend to be “braggadocious” when discussing his wealth, adding that it is meant to emphasize how the country is in need of a leader who is knowledgeable about finance. The word he’s looking for is “braggadocio.”

3. Clinton letting out a big sigh — “Woo! O-K” — after Trump defended his discredited claim of early Iraq War opposition.

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4. Trump saying Clinton has been fighting ISIS her “entire adult life.”

5. Clinton saying she had a feeling “that by the end of this evening, I’m gonna be blamed for everything that’s ever happened.”

6. Trump sniffling during the debate, leading to an almost-instant Twitter handle: @TrumpSniff.

7. Trump saying it’s “very important” to him that Clinton be happy. “In all fairness to Secretary Clinton — yes? Is that OK? Good, I want you to be very happy. It’s very important to me.”

8. Trump accusing Clinton of lacking the “stamina” to be president. “You have so many different things you have to be able to do, and I don’t believe that Hillary has the stamina.”

9. Trump repeatedly blurting out “wrong” when Clinton said he supported Iraq invasion.

10. Trump saying “one way or another” he’s getting near the White House because that’s where his new hotel is.

11. Trump suggesting that a 400-lb. hacker could hypothetically be behind the Democratic National Committee email hack.

12. Trump repeating Fox News host Sean Hannity’s name in full in a span of a few minutes, urging people to call him.

13. Trump referring to President Obama as “your president.”



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