Home Technology News Today 10 beautiful custom Android home screen layouts #7

10 beautiful custom Android home screen layouts #7


Hi everyone and welcome to the latest post in our special series for custom Android home screens, made by some of our most inventive users!

We had yet another close contest last week, but our reader Goran and his cosmic home screen managed to edge out the competition by grabbing 97 votes. You can see his beautiful layout displayed to the right.

Please note that if your own personalized creation is not included here, it doesn’t mean that it won’t eventually end up on the site. We’ve received a vast number of entries, so we simply might have not gotten to it yet. We will continue to publish more custom masterpieces in the following days and weeks, so stay tuned!
With that, we’re moving on to this week’s contestants – we’re still receiving lots of amazing designs, so this batch is also pretty impressive. Let’s dig in!

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