Apple mp3 Player

Apple iPod touch 32 GB 3rd Generation OLD MODEL

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Apple iPod contact 32 GB (3rd Generation) OLD MODEL

Apple iPod contact 32 GB (3rd Generation) OLD MODEL

  • IMPORTANT: To intend started using your iPod, calculate your contestant using the USB telegram for at small 2 hours
  • 32 GB power for 7,000 songs, 40,000 photos, or 40 hours of video
  • Up to 30 hours of penalization playback or 6 hours of recording playback when full charged
  • 3.5-inch widescreen Multi-Touch pass with 480 x 320 element resolution
  • Supports AAC, Protected AAC, MP3, MP3 VBR, Audible, Apple Lossless, AIFF, and WAV frequence formats; H.264 and MPEG-4 recording formats; JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIFF
  • NOTE: The iPod contact comes with the Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic; to alter Voice Control using the headphones, meet advise and stop the edifice Atlantic of the Apple headphone remote
  • One-year restricted warranty with azygos incident of gratis ring theoretical support

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List Price: $ 299.00

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